1.It is difficult to think of a test or marker system that would not first be developed, in some form, in an animal model.
2.Objective: (1)Using FPI to found a standard animal model of traumatic optic nerve injury of rabbits and explore the stability of the model.
3.Mice, a commonly used animal model, do not always fully mimic human diseases.
4.To seek for a time window for decompression in acute cervical spinal cord injury animal model that could gain the best results.
5.The scientists noted that EBV infects only humans, and that the lack of a convenient animal model has challenged EBV vaccine research.
6.A good animal model of UC has not been made, and the therapeutic effect is not ideal, whice are the main and difficult questions.
7.Getting good results in a large animal model study is a critical step in moving the treatment into a clinical trial.
8.It was at that point they realised they might have stumbled upon an animal model of SIDS.
9.Objective The aim of this study was to establish a stable animal model of temporomandibular joint(TMJ)ankylosis.
10.Objective To evaluate the feasibility and safety of a new retrieval inferior vena cava filter in an animal model.